This week is Update Your Will Week (23rd-29th January 2023), an awareness campaign hosted by Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) to encourage more people to update their Will and ensure their wishes are carried out when they die. This helps minimise disputes over inheritance – easing distress (and costs) for your loved ones.
Accredited members of the SFE demonstrate specific expertise in helping and advising those in later life to plan for their final years. They are also trained in guiding and advising the families and professional advisers of the elderly. Hedges is proud to have a number of inheritance solicitors who are accredited specialists and members of the SFE.
New research commissioned by the SFE reveals only 56% of UK adults have updated their Will within the last five years, meaning around a half of Wills are out of date. It also shows that half of UK adults have experienced a life changing event, such as getting married, divorced, or having a child, since last updating their Will.
We recommend that Wills are reviewed and updated every five years, or when a major change occurs that impacts you or your loved ones.
In addition, research reveals that almost three quarters (70%) of parents in the UK have no legal guardian in place to care for their children in the event of their deaths.
You may not know that social services or the courts can step in to decide what happens to your children if you do not have a Will in place, identifying a legal guardian.
Our specialist Wills team can help you every step of the way, whether you are updating your existing Will or creating one for the first time. It is vital that you choose a solicitor who can ensure that your Will is written to the highest standards ensuring that there is no doubt that your wishes will be executed exactly how you wish in the event of your death.
We are able to provide support and guidance specific to your unique situation and wishes. We can also help reduce the inheritance tax burden and can inform you of any changes in the law that could affect your Will.
As a firm with an expert inheritance disputes team, we are in the unique position to help prevent any disputes and claims against your estate when you have a Will written by Hedges.
Talk to us
Take that first step and get updating your Will off your to-do list today by calling us on 01865 594265 to make your appointment.