Category: Wills, Probate, Trusts & Inheritance

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We’re proud to support Update Your Will Week 2024

This week is Update Your Will Week (4th – 10th March), an annual campaign hosted by The Association of Lifetime Lawyers. It aims to raise awareness around the risks of not having an up to date will and encourages people to update their will to ensure their wishes are carried out when they die.

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Why appointing a professional executor could be right for you

Although most people choose a family member to be the executor of their estate, it is not always your best option. Whether you want to prevent your family from falling out when one person is selected over another, or you want to remove the burden of endless paperwork and understanding the legal requirements involved, there are many reasons why appointing a professional executor could be right for you. Here are the key benefits to appointing a professional executor to administer your estate after you die.

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Understanding your role as an executor

At one point or another, many of us will be given the task of being responsible for the administration of someone’s estate after they’ve died. It can be a daunting task if you’ve never done it before, but remember you can always get advice from a probate lawyer, at any point in the process – there is no need to struggle alone.

If you’ve been appointed as the executor of someone’s Will, these are the key steps you may need to take.

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What can I do if I think someone was coerced into changing their Will?

Sometimes, the details of someone’s Will upon their death can come as a complete surprise. You may not understand their reasons, but it’s important to remember that a person’s wishes upon their death are heavily protected in British law. However, if you believe that they were pressured or coerced by someone to change their Will prior to their death, then you may be able to challenge the Will .In this instance, these are the steps you should take if you want to contest the validity of a Will.

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Why it pays to get support from a probate solicitor

You don’t have to work with a probate solicitor to administer someone’s estate. As the Personal Representative, it is perfectly acceptable to take it on yourself and there is no obligation to get any legal advice if you can confidently handle all the elements of the administration. However, the process is often not easy or […]

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Inheritance tax planning and rental properties

Official statistics show that more than 2.5 million individuals own a rental property in the UK. The freezing of the inheritance tax (IHT) nil rate band since 2009 (currently £325,000), coupled with house price growth over the same period, means that many of these landlords’ estates will be liable to IHT when they die. Yes, […]

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The importance of having your Will professionally prepared

Cases such as this one, Ingram and Whitfield v Abraham [2023] EWHC 1982 (Ch), really demonstrate how crucial it is to have a professional prepare your Will.

In this case, an online will pack was used, and this had the effect of disinheriting the testatrix’s children, who had been the beneficiaries of her previous Will. Instead, the estate passed to Simon, the deceased’s brother, who had prepared the Will.

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It’s not just about your money… 7 things to consider when preparing your Will

When people start to think about writing their Will, their first thoughts are usually about who will be the beneficiaries – who will inherit their property, savings, and other financial assets.

But there are many other things to consider when it comes to what you want to happen when you die. Here’s a list of 7 things that you should think about when preparing to write your Will:

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