Category: Wills, Probate, Trusts & Inheritance

Spy camera undue influence victory

Yet another headline this week concerning a litigated inheritance dispute. Undue Influence is one of the most difficult challenges to bring when disputing a Will. By its very nature it occurs behind closed doors and therefore it is notoriously difficult to prove.  In a rare turn of events, the court were referred to a transcript […]

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Widow wins 1975 Act claim and obtains half of estate

After a 66 year marriage, a woman whose husband’s will left everything to their two sons (to “prioritise the male line”) and leaving no provision for her or their four daughters, has been awarded a 50% share of his almost £2m estate by the High Court. It was clear that “reasonable provision” had not been […]

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Charitable legacies

It has been reported that a record 16% of death Wills processed by Smee & Ford in 2022 included a charitable legacy. This totalled a staggering £21.3 billion by the end of 2022. Many charities depend on legacies and it is good to see that these are continuing post pandemic, and despite the economic uncertainty.

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Digital Assets After Death

Interesting article in Today’s Wills & Probate regarding access to a deceased’s digital assets. Apple devices with the latest update can now add a Legacy Contact. Apple say is “the easiest, most secure way to give someone you trust access to the data stored in your Apple account after your death”. When an individual registers […]

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Why updating your Will should be at the top of your to-do list.

This week is Update Your Will Week (23rd-29th January 2023), an awareness campaign hosted by Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) to encourage more people to update their Will and ensure their wishes are carried out when they die. This helps minimise disputes over inheritance – easing distress (and costs) for your loved ones. Accredited members […]

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A stark warning for those willing to lie in litigation…

Louise Reeves was accused by her brother of bullying their father into changing his will to cut him out. The Court agreed and in January this year, Mr Justice Michael Green rejected the claim that Louise had bullied her father, but said she had ‘pulled the wool over his eyes’ so he did not understand […]

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The astronomical costs of the homemade will…

This is going to be an absolutely fascinating case when it is heard next year. An astronomer has left his £400,000 to his “best mate”, by way of his deathbed will, dictated to his friend from his hospital bed, whilst also suffering from dementia. The beneficiaries of the earlier will, the British Astronomical Association, are […]

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Empty notepad ready for someone to make some notes for writing their will with a solicitor

FAQs on making an updating Wills

We’ve answered some of the most common questions people have about making and updating a Will. If you have a question we haven’t covered here, do not hesitate to get in touch with our Wills team – we’d be happy to help. What happens if you die without leaving a Will? If you die without […]

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