Big Hospitality have written a great article on what to expect from the Restaurant Show 2016. We have taken some of the best bits of their article of give you a flavour of what to expect from one of the great events in the Hospitality calendar:
“Running from 3-5 October, the event at Olympia in London will host more than 450 exhibitors, dozens of live cooking demonstrations and discussions and top industry competitions. The packed programme may seem daunting, but with some clever planning and our guidance you should easily be able to turn a day’s (or three) visit into positive action for you and your business.
Chef excellence
The crème de la crème of the commercial kitchen will be out in force at the show, sharing their top tips for success, demonstrating their expert skills and extolling the virtues of specialist ingredients. On Monday we plan to find out from Pitt Cue’s Tom Adams and Richard Turner how they went from serving barbecue out of a trailer into running permanent sites in London in their ‘from road to restaurant’ masterclass (The Stage 11:30) before catching Dinner by Heston Blumenthal’s Ashley Palmer Watts and Jonny Glass share their top tips for inspiring staff (and winning some awards along the way) in their masterclass ‘celebrating your team’ (The Stage 1:30).
See the National Chef of the Year finalists compete for the chance to win the 2017 title. All eyes will be on the 10 finalists in the Young National Chef of the Year and then the 10 in the National Chef of the Year 2017 competitions at the Competition Theatre on Tuesday. YNCOTY finalists will be cooking their final dishes for judges from 9.30am to 11.30am before the NCOTY finalists move in at 1pm for two hours. The winners of both competitions will be revealed later that same day at the official awards ceremony. Keep up-to-date on all steps of the competition on via our Twitter handle @Bighospitality.
Business insight
Because the restaurant business is about more than cooking, we’ve earmarked some of the show’s panel discussions and interviews with restaurateurs and industry experts which are designed to help build a better business and keep you ahead of the latest trends.
Find out how to capitalise on the growing vegetarian and vegan trend. With the rise of the ‘flexitarian’ and a greater demand on chefs to deliver vegetarian and vegan food, we’re interested in finding out how the industry of the future can capitalise on the trend. Visit The Stage at 1;45pm on Wednesday for The Sustainable Restaurant Association’s debate titled ‘have meat or veg menus had their day?’ where a panel comprising Simon Billings of Forum for the Future, agriculturist Andrew Knowles, The Detox Kitchen founder Lily Simpson and chef Oliver Gladwin, will discuss how health and environmental concerns are driving a twist in the nation’s tastes.
Great new product ideas
Sourcing new products is a major reason for attendance to any trade show and 450 exhibitors will be there ready to introduce visitors to their business. This year’s show includes a dedicated area for catering equipment – the Catering Equipment Expo organised by Bunzl Lockhart Catering Equipment – making it easier to find the latest equipment.
Many of the industry’s innovative technology companies, such as Zapper, Flypay, Givex, Global Payments will also be on site to talk visitors through their products while food and drink producers, as always, will be taking up a large part of the exhibitor area.”
Link to the full article: