The Government in its White Paper detailing proposals for leaving the EU stated that, “the UK remains ready to give people the certainty they want and reach a reciprocal deal with our European partners at the earliest opportunity…It is the right and fair thing to do.“
An optimistic signal has been sent out by the UK Government who say that the UK will aim to “secure the status of EU citizens” already living and working in the UK as early as possible.
How this is to be interpreted amongst other concerns businesses may have (e.g. after Immigration Minister Robert Goodwill statedthat firms would be subject to a £1,000 levy for employing workers from the EU) is yet to be clarified.
A recent study had concluded that approximately 43% of workers in the hospitality sector are foreign nationals. Brexit initially caused ripples of fear of skills shortage however the Government’s statement may provide some hope to businesses.
It is important also, as was referenced in these proceedings, to highlight that the purpose of the law is to assist disabled people and their primary carers to obtain work and to integrate them in to the workplace.' Dr Michael Wardlow, Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission