The cost of justice

Dispute Resolution - 1 minute read

A worrying statistic has just been revealed – 1 in 5 people do not feel they can seek justice.

Over half of those surveyed believe it is too expensive to seek legal assistance.

At Hedges Law, we are proud to offer a range of funding arrangements for the services we provide.  Those seeking legal assistance in any aspect of their life should not hesitate to contact us, and we can discuss the funding arrangements which best suit your instructions.

1 in 5 don’t understand British law

A survey of over 2000 adults aged 16+ had revealed that nearly 19% of people don’t understand British law and do not feel empowered to seek justice.

Less than half (41%) of respondents said that if they needed help, support or wanted to make a complaint, they’d be comfortable approaching a law firm. 59% said it’s too expensive to access legal support, while 52% said there are too many barriers to getting legal support.