Sisters are doin’ it for themselves?

This article in Film News caught my eye today. Thrice married and divorced J-Lo talks to Marie Claire about the pain of her divorce: unsurprisingly, its been picked up my Huffington Post, MailOnline and People Magazine. In short, she seems to be saying that throughout all the love highs and lows its her girlfriends who are the ones who’ve been there for her. I trust they’ll all be given front row seats at her new Las Vegas show when she starts her residency there soon…!

Jennifer Lopez's divorce from Marc Anthony made her realise her girlfriends are some of the most important people in her life.

'I realised my friends were as important – if not more important – when I divorced Marc, I just realised that I'd been through that a couple of times and there they still were. Like they say, men come and go, but my girlfriends are always there for me.'

'I learned a lot from that time in my life where I did overstretch myself. I can handle it better because I go, 'No, I'm not going to work on that day,' or, 'No, I am going to take those three days off,' or, 'No, you cannot schedule that there.' And you realise the sky is not going to fall, even though everybody makes you feel like it's going to.'