Narcissism and family law – a practitioners guide

Narcissism is a real buzz word at the moment – and quite rightly so! Whether or not an ex is a true narcissist from a clinical perspective, narcissistic behaviour is enormously destructive. Litigating against someone that is on the narcissistic spectrum can be exceptionally difficult – aside from the increased stress they intentionally cause, cases tend to be significantly more protracted and therefore much more costly.

Whilst there is a lot of information online about narcissists and what it’s like to divorce one, there’s not much out there in the way of guidance for lawyers. This is the first book I’ve come across that is specifically written with the legal profession in mind – the target readership being family lawyers, mediators and judges. I’ll definitely be putting it on my reading list when it’s published next month!

Awareness of narcissism and narcissistic behaviour has mushroomed over the past decade. More and more people are being identified as exhibiting a degree of narcissistic behaviour, a rise that may reflect the explosion of social media or simply increased awareness of the problem.