Letting Agent Guilty of Unlawful Eviction

The case referred to in this article provides a stark reminder of the pitfalls letting agencies and landlords can fall into when trying to evict their tenants.

The letting agent in this case failed to follow the correct procedures on 3 counts. The first is that they entered the property without giving the the tenant sufficient notice, the second is that they evicted the tenant (by changing the locks and removing the tenant’s possessions) without serving the correct Notice Seeking Possession, and the third is that they failed to protect the tenant’s deposit in a relevant Deposit Protection Scheme.

It is important for landlords and letting agents to familiarise themselves with the law on recovering possession of properties from their tenants, as the consequences of unlawfully evicting a tenant can be severe. If there is any any doubt about the correct procedure, it may be a good idea to consider taking legal advice from a landlord and tenant property dispute solicitor.

A Cambridge letting agent who unlawfully evicted a tenant from a property has been ordered to pay a total of £4,315 by Cambridge Magistrates’ Court.