Incorrect EPC ratings – a problem in waiting?

Readers of Property Week will have seen the recent article confirming what many had already suspected, that EPC ratings can be notoriously unreliable.

This was less of a problem when EPCs were, in the main, viewed as a little more than an administrative burden when it came to dealing with a property. In light of the new minimum energy efficiency requirements however an incorrect rating could have serious (and costly) consequences.

Now is the time for investors to be carrying out a review of the energy efficiency ratings of their property portfolios before the new regulations come into effect and if you think ratings are incorrect you still have time to take action. 

For further help on your options and minimising the burden of complying with the regulations see our guidance note here:

New figures from the Building Research Establishment have shown that Energy Performance Certificates can understate the energy efficiency of homes with solid walls and uninsulated cavity walls.

The BRE claims that 100,000 properties have been given incorrect F and G classifications – the lowest ratings possible.

The RLA is now campaigning for greater accuracy when it comes to allocating the ratings and is in talks with the Government over the issue.

The news comes as the Government has given a target date for energy efficiency compliance in rental properties.