Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

The first woman has been prosecuted for posting private sexual photos of another woman under the new law against ‘revenge porn’.

As a family lawyer, I have acted for as many men as I have women that have been victims of relationship abuse, and no doubt we will soon see the first reported case of ‘revenge porn’ against a man.

This new law is a welcomed and potent tool against this growing issue with the use of social media presenting a multitude of ways for abusers – male or female – to bully and intimidate their ex-partners.

Joanna Coleman, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS Thames and Chiltern said:

'These vengeful crimes are predominantly thought of as being carried out by men. This sentencing will highlight that anyone can be guilty of this offence and regardless of the defendant's gender, once reported, it will be taken seriously.

'Crimes where an intimate image of an individual is shared without their permission in such a public forum is invasive, humiliating and distressing for the victim and leaves them feeling violated.

'It can have a huge impact on the victim and I am pleased that more people are having the confidence to come forward and report these crimes.'