This article in the Telegraph today echoes the experience of a growing number of our clients today: divorce can be utterly devastating for the parents of those divorcing, especially as it may have a very damaging impact on the relationship they have with their grandchildren. And no granny or grandpa has an automatic right to see their grandchild sadly: the route through court can be a tough, long and expensive one, with no guarantee that even with a contact order at the end of it, they will actually get to see the child. Other routes such as mediation, family therapy or collaborative law may prove to be more successful. And sometimes, sadly, the only answer is to wait until the child is old enough to vote with their feet…
When parents divorce, grandparents' contact with their grandchildren may suddenly stop. This can be traumatic for grandparents and children alike
Gill Perks, Grandparents Plus
However, while families are encouraged to think of their children when divorcing, little thought is given to the grandparents who often lose touch with their grandchildren as a result of the split.
Too often grandparents take an unseen hit from divorce as they lose contact with the grandchild they love
Jane Robey, NFM's CEO, said: 'Too often grandparents take an unseen hit from divorce as they lose contact with the grandchild they love. The fact is, grandparents have no automatic right to be part of their grandchild's life.