Decree Nisi applications currently taking two months at Bury St Edmunds

Unfortunately there seem to be ongoing delays at Bury St Edmunds divorce centre. The problems issuing the divorce petitions seem to have been ironed out, but there are ongoing issues with the decree nisi applications. For example, an application for decree nisi was sent to the court on 15th September, and on the date of writing, 9th November, nothing has been received from the court.

The status on 9th November was, it was sent to the judge on 30th September, and there is a six week backlog from this date. So the certificate of entitlement to a decree should be received during the week commencing 16th November, two months later.

We have reached the anniversary of the very first divorce centres. Those in the North East opened in November 2014.

The Bury St Edmunds Divorce Centre is launching an 'on demand' information bulletin on 16 November 2015.  The bulletin will show the work position at the Divorce Centre and provide general information to assist practitioners.  This will enable solicitors and others to assess when work sent to the Divorce Centre will be processed and reduce the need to telephone or write for progress updates, saving time and providing information to keep clients informed.