While of course some purchases can go through quickly without searches and surveys we would advise proceeding with caution as the onus is on the buyer to make reasonable enquiries.
Whether you are taking out a mortgage or not we would always advise that you take out a full survey and carry out the basic searches.
There are always options to speed up the conveyancing process, these include paying to expedite the searches or for an attended exchange.
If you want to move quickly through the process always advise your conveyancer at the start of the matter this will ensure they stay on top of your purchase and let you know of any delays straight away.
Such a rapid deal could only be possible for a buyer who does not need a mortgage, and can therefore skip the usual checks required to be granted a loan.
Mr Wellbelove added: 'Exchanging contracts normally takes longer because people need the deposit, they need the lender to do their checks, and they need a survey to be done.
'The people who bought it didn't have a survey, they haven't even been inside. It is a brilliant result for our client and both vendor and purchaser are very happy.'