Bury St Edmund Divorce Centre under ‘significant strain’

Until just over a year ago, couples in Oxfordshire wanting a divorce would be able to lodge their Divorce Petition in the Oxford County Court.  Just over a year ago this changed, so now everyone in London and the South East has to send their divorce documents to Bury St Edmunds Divorce Centre.  

According to this article, the Divorce Centre now receives 1200 items of post, 250 to 300 Divorce Petitions and 700 calls per day.  That may explain why I was number 29 in the queue when I phoned them earlier today!  Sadly, this means additional weeks or months of delays in the divorce process for couples and their families who are going through this already difficult process. 

We have now reached first anniversary of the Bury St Edmunds Divorce Centre (BSE).

In the wake of that, Resolution has stated that divorce centres are, in the words of its chair, Nigel  Shepherd, 'under significant strain', suggesting that the number of divorce petitions has far exceeded the levels that were anticipated or planned for.