£1 million voucher scheme to help families resolve disputes outside of court

The government are funding up to 2000 families/couples to try mediation to resolve their dispute about arrangements and financial matters relating to their child/children.

To qualify, you first have to attend a mediation information and assessment meeting (which you have to pay for yourself) with a mediator who checks you are suitable for mediation and then applies for the voucher of £500 towards the cost of mediation sessions.

Whilst mediation isn’t suitable for everyone, when it works it really, really works! Successful mediation can reduce cost enormously, preserve and even grow a positive relationship between a separated couple, enable them to maintain control, and be creative about the solutions they want.

If you want to know more about mediation, follow the link in our bio to our website. Our very own Carrie Rudge aka @theoxfordmediator – in addition to being a fab and very experienced family law solicitor – is also a qualified mediator.

You can get in touch with Carrie at carrie.rudge@hedgeslaw.co.uk.